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Heartland Stories Radio

Nov 10, 2020

Theresa is talking today with Dr. Michelle Perro, a veteran pediatrician with over thirty-nine years of experience in acute and integrative medicine. Dr. Perro has transformed her clinical practice to include pesticide and health advocacy more than fifteen years ago. She is also the co-author of “What is making our children sick” book as well as Executive Director of the non-profit scientific website “GMO Science”. Tune into this episode to learn more about:

- the gut health/microbiome

- the links between COVID-19, the gut microbiota and glyphosate

- what parents can do to keep their children's microbiome healthy

- the GMO science website (

" You are what you eat", "Food is medicine", "The soil health and your gut health are linked together", are just a few of Dr. Perro's quotes from this interview. She advises struggling parents with sick kids to eat chemical-free organic regenerative food, while also paying attention to the nutrient content of the food and making sure to add probiotic food early on.